IMG 0696

Dear Supporters:

You are amazing. During our time of repentance and rest you are encouraging us beyond expectations. So many of you have gone out of your way to tell us of your unwavering support and prayers. We are humbled and filled with gratitude. Many have continued financial support while we are in the US. Wow! We are blown away by your grace and generosity. Thank you a thousand times over.

As we go through a season of examination and restoration, you could have been judgmental, but that is not the case. You dear souls have expressed your willingness to walk this difficult trail with us, rather than separate. Thank you! Thank you supporters, and thank you Sequim Bible Church for receiving our brokenness rather than shunning us. You are models of the grace and compassion of Christ.

God has been especially gracious. Our needs are met, his sweet Spirit draws close, and growth is coming. This has been a vital Bible passage in the last months:

In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength... (Isa 30:15)

We don’t know what God has in store for our future, but we are content to wait on him. Our trust and confidence are in him.

Love and thanksgiving to you for standing by our side.

We love you much.
Don & Dani